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时间:2024-07-02 13:44:23
状态:法语   高清
标签:剧情 历史 
导演:Isabelle Brocard 
主演:嘉莲·维雅 安娜·吉拉多特 塞德里克·康 诺埃米·洛夫斯基 罗宾·瑞努奇 西里尔·梅莱斯 Antoine Prud'homme de la Boussinière 阿兰·利博 洛朗·格雷维尔 Marine Cremet 萨瓦·洛洛夫  马蒂厄·珀罗托 本杰明·旺格米 海姆·泽图恩 Philippe Altier Lorine Wolff Niseema Theillaud Elisa Leca Garance Desmichelle Sophie Couderc 
剧情:The script plunges into the middle of the 17th cen...展开
剧情:The script plunges into the middle of the 17th century. The Marquise de Sévigné w...展开

The script plunges into the middle of the 17th century. The Marquise de Sévigné would like to make her daughter a brilliant and independent woman in her own image. But the more she tries to control the young woman's destiny, the more she alienates her. Mother and daughter experience the throes of a singular and devastating passion, and from this devastation, a major work of French literature will be born.

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